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Cover Letter

Are Cover Letters Over 300-350 Words In Length Ever Read? This Might Be Industry/job-specific, But What Would The Ideal Length Be?

Adriana Herd

While there is no definitive answer to the ideal cover letter length, aiming for a concise and well-crafted letter of around 200-300 words is generally advisable. Remember to tailor your cover letter to each job application, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and ensure your letter is error-free and visually appealing.

person using MacBook Pro

Cover Letter

Are Cover Letters The Same As Motivation Letters?

Adriana Herd

Cover letters and motivation letters differ in content, purpose, and structure. Cover letters focus on presenting qualifications for a specific job, while motivation letters showcase passion and alignment with career goals. Tailor your letters to the specific opportunity, highlight relevant experiences, and convey genuine enthusiasm to increase your chances of success.

An open empty notebook on a white desk next to an iPhone and a MacBook

Cover Letter

Does Anyone Actually Read Cover Letters?

Adriana Herd

Cover letters remain relevant in the job market and provide an opportunity to showcase personality and motivations. Tailoring cover letters to each job application increases the chances of getting noticed by aligning qualifications with company needs. Writing an effective cover letter involves personalization, concise communication, highlighting achievements, demonstrating enthusiasm, and thorough proofreading.

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