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Can You Use A Retired Person As A Reference?

Adriana Herd

Using retired individuals as references can provide valuable insights and a broader perspective. Carefully select a retired person who can speak to your recent achievements and adaptability. Prepare the retired person by clearly communicating your intentions and providing relevant information about the position.

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How Should Non US Citizens Write Their Phone Numbers On Their Resume?

Adriana Herd

Non-US citizens applying for jobs in the United States should modify their phone numbers to adhere to the US standard format. This includes adding the US country code, enclosing the area code in parentheses, and writing the local number without any additional characters. Clear and consistent formatting is crucial to avoid confusion and demonstrate professionalism to potential employers.

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Can A Resume Be A Little Over 1 Page?

Adriana Herd

Crafting a one-page resume requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning. By tailoring the content, optimizing formatting, and dispelling common concerns, job seekers can create impactful resumes that increase their chances of securing interviews.

Cover Letter

Are Cover Letters Over 300-350 Words In Length Ever Read? This Might Be Industry/job-specific, But What Would The Ideal Length Be?

Adriana Herd

While there is no definitive answer to the ideal cover letter length, aiming for a concise and well-crafted letter of around 200-300 words is generally advisable. Remember to tailor your cover letter to each job application, highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and ensure your letter is error-free and visually appealing.

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Job Application

What Should You Put In The “your Relationship” Field On A Job Application For Someone Who Is A Professional Reference In A Volunteer Capacity? The Person You Reported To (without Pay) Wasn’t Your Manager, So What Do You Put As Their Role?

Adriana Herd

When filling out the "your relationship" field for a professional reference in a volunteer capacity, it's crucial to provide a clear and accurate description of their role. Highlight their position title, responsibilities, level of authority, and relevant skills or qualities. By effectively conveying the nature of your relationship with the reference, you can enhance your job application and impress potential employers with your dedication and teamwork.


Does Goldman Sachs Look Good On A Resume?

Adriana Herd

Having Goldman Sachs on a resume can undoubtedly be a valuable asset for job seekers interested in a career in finance or investment banking. The firm's prestigious reputation, comprehensive training programs, networking opportunities, and transferable skills can significantly enhance one's marketability. However, it is important to carefully weigh the potential drawbacks and consider alternative options that align with individual career goals. Ultimately, the decision to include Goldman Sachs on a resume should be based on a thorough understanding of personal aspirations and the broader career landscape.

person using MacBook Pro

Cover Letter

Are Cover Letters The Same As Motivation Letters?

Adriana Herd

Cover letters and motivation letters differ in content, purpose, and structure. Cover letters focus on presenting qualifications for a specific job, while motivation letters showcase passion and alignment with career goals. Tailor your letters to the specific opportunity, highlight relevant experiences, and convey genuine enthusiasm to increase your chances of success.

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