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Can I Get Away With Lying About My GPA On Job Applications?

Adriana Herd

Lying about GPA on job applications may seem like a quick solution to enhance one's chances of securing a job, but the ethical implications and potential consequences are significant. Employers frequently verify academic records, and being caught in a lie can lead to termination, damage to one's professional reputation, and even legal issues. Instead of resorting to dishonesty, applicants should focus on alternative strategies, such as highlighting relevant experience, skills, and personal achievements. Transparency, honesty, and integrity in the job application process are highly valued by employers and can lead to long-term success.

Woman in Black and White Polka Dot Long Sleeve Shirt Using Macbook Air


How Can I List My Computer And Software Skills To My Resume?

Adriana Herd

Listing computer and software skills on your resume requires careful consideration and organization. Tailor the skills section to match the job requirements, provide evidence of proficiency, highlight transferable skills, and incorporate relevant keywords to optimize your resume for ATS.

person walking holding brown leather bag


How Do I Write A Resume For My First Internship?

Adriana Herd

Crafting a resume for your first internship requires careful attention to detail and customization for each application. Follow a standard format, highlight your relevant coursework and transferable skills, and showcase your achievements. Proofread your resume for errors, and create a professional design. With these tips in hand, you'll be well on your way to securing that coveted internship opportunity.

a man and a woman sitting at a table


Can You Use A Retired Person As A Reference?

Adriana Herd

Using retired individuals as references can provide valuable insights and a broader perspective. Carefully select a retired person who can speak to your recent achievements and adaptability. Prepare the retired person by clearly communicating your intentions and providing relevant information about the position.

Red Cradle Telephone on Brown Wooden Surface


How Should Non US Citizens Write Their Phone Numbers On Their Resume?

Adriana Herd

Non-US citizens applying for jobs in the United States should modify their phone numbers to adhere to the US standard format. This includes adding the US country code, enclosing the area code in parentheses, and writing the local number without any additional characters. Clear and consistent formatting is crucial to avoid confusion and demonstrate professionalism to potential employers.

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