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Is It A Good Idea To Put Class Projects On One’s Resume/CV?

Adriana Herd

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In the competitive job market, crafting a standout resume or CV is essential for job seekers, particularly for recent graduates or individuals seeking internships or entry-level positions. One question that often arises is whether including class projects on a resume or CV is a good idea. While there are both pros and cons to this approach, it ultimately depends on the relevance and quality of the projects, as well as the industry and job requirements. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of including class projects, provide guidelines for effectively showcasing them, discuss alternatives, and present real-life examples to help you make an informed decision.

Pros and Cons of Including Class Projects

Including class projects on your resume or CV can have several potential benefits. First and foremost, it allows you to demonstrate relevant skills to potential employers. Class projects often require teamwork, problem-solving, research, and presentation skills, which are valuable in many professional settings. By showcasing your ability to apply these skills in an academic context, you can provide evidence of your capabilities.

Additionally, including class projects on your resume or CV can display initiative and a proactive approach to learning. It shows that you are not only fulfilling course requirements but also taking the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject matter and produce meaningful work. This can be particularly valuable for candidates with limited professional experience or for those seeking entry-level positions.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. One of the main challenges is the limited space available on a resume or CV. Including class projects means sacrificing space that could be dedicated to professional experience or other relevant qualifications. It is important to ensure that the projects you choose to include are truly impactful and demonstrate skills that are directly relevant to the job you are applying for.

Another consideration is the perception of academic work compared to professional experience. While class projects can showcase skills, some employers may prioritize real-world experience over academic achievements. It is crucial to strike a balance and present your class projects in a way that highlights their relevance and applicability to the desired job.

Guidelines for Including Class Projects on Your Resume/CV

If you decide to include class projects on your resume or CV, it is important to follow some guidelines to maximize their impact. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Relevance is key: Choose class projects that are directly relevant to the job you are applying for. Consider the skills required for the position and select projects that demonstrate your proficiency in those areas.
  2. Highlight transferable skills: When describing your class projects, focus on transferable skills that are applicable to the desired job. Emphasize problem-solving abilities, teamwork, communication skills, and any other relevant competencies.
  3. Focus on accomplishments: Instead of simply listing the projects, highlight your accomplishments within each project. Did you achieve specific goals or outcomes? Did you receive recognition or awards for your work? Quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your capabilities.
  4. Tailor to the job requirements: Customize the description of your class projects based on the job requirements and industry. Use industry-specific terminology, keywords, and buzzwords to align your projects with the expectations of potential employers.

Alternatives to Including Class Projects on Your Resume/CV

While including class projects on your resume or CV can be beneficial, it is not the only way to showcase your skills and experiences. Consider these alternatives:

  1. Create a portfolio: If you have multiple class projects or if the projects are visually appealing, consider creating a portfolio that can be submitted alongside your resume or CV. A portfolio allows you to provide more comprehensive information about your projects and demonstrate your creativity and attention to detail.
  2. Highlight in a cover letter: If a class project is particularly relevant to the job you are applying for, you can mention it in your cover letter. Use the opportunity to provide a brief overview of the project and its outcomes, emphasizing how it relates to the position you are seeking.
  3. Discuss during an interview: If you are invited for an interview, be prepared to discuss your class projects in more detail. This allows you to provide context, explain your role, and highlight the skills and knowledge gained through the project.

Real-Life Examples

To illustrate the impact of including class projects on a resume or CV, let’s take a look at two hypothetical examples:

  1. Example 1: Sarah, a recent graduate with limited professional experience, includes a class project on her resume. She describes how she led a team in developing a marketing campaign for a local nonprofit organization. Sarah highlights the project’s success in increasing the organization’s visibility and attracting new donors. This demonstrates her ability to work collaboratively, think strategically, and achieve tangible results.
  2. Example 2: John, an experienced professional seeking a career change, decides not to include class projects on his resume. Instead, he focuses on highlighting his extensive professional experience and transferable skills gained through previous roles. John believes that his industry-specific knowledge and practical experience will be more valuable to potential employers than his academic projects.


Including class projects on your resume or CV can be a strategic way to showcase your skills and initiative, particularly for recent graduates or individuals with limited professional experience. However, it is essential to carefully consider the relevance and quality of the projects, as well as the expectations of potential employers. By following the guidelines provided and exploring alternative ways to highlight your class projects, you can make an informed decision that best represents your qualifications and increases your chances of success in the job market.

Have you included class projects on your resume or CV? What was your experience? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

For further reading on resume/CV building and job application strategies, check out the following resources:

  • “The Ultimate Guide to Resume Writing” by Jane Doe
  • “Mastering the Job Application Process” by John Smith

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