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Should I Write In My CV That I Have Studied Abroad If I Did Not Graduate From That University?

Adriana Herd

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Imagine this scenario: You have just returned from an enriching study abroad experience in a foreign country. The memories, the cultural immersion, and the personal growth you gained during this time are invaluable. Now, as you sit down to update your CV, you find yourself grappling with a question: Should you include your study abroad experience even if you didn’t graduate from the university?

This predicament is not uncommon. Many job seekers face the dilemma of whether to showcase their study abroad experience on their CV, particularly when they didn’t receive a degree from the foreign institution. In this article, we will explore the importance of including study abroad experiences, the potential impact of not graduating from the foreign university, and strategies for effectively presenting this experience on your CV. So, let’s delve into this topic and uncover the best approach to leverage your study abroad adventure in the job market.

The Significance of Study Abroad Experience on Your CV

Study abroad experiences can be a valuable asset when it comes to enhancing your CV. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Cultural Understanding and Adaptability: Studying abroad exposes you to different cultures, customs, and ways of thinking. This experience demonstrates your ability to adapt to new environments, work with diverse teams, and navigate cross-cultural communication challenges.
  2. Language Skills: Immersing yourself in a foreign country provides an excellent opportunity to improve your language skills. Fluency in multiple languages is an asset in today’s globalized job market, and it showcases your dedication to personal and professional growth.
  3. Global Perspective: Studying abroad broadens your horizons and gives you a global perspective. This perspective is highly sought after by employers who operate in international markets and value employees with a nuanced understanding of global issues.
  4. Independence and Resilience: Living in a foreign country requires you to be independent, self-reliant, and adaptable. These qualities demonstrate your ability to overcome challenges, work well under pressure, and thrive in unfamiliar environments.

Addressing the Potential Impact of Not Graduating from the Foreign University

While including study abroad experience on your CV can be beneficial, the fact that you didn’t graduate from the foreign university may raise questions in the minds of potential employers. However, with careful presentation and emphasis on relevant aspects, you can effectively address any concerns. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Highlight Relevant Coursework: If your study abroad program included coursework relevant to the job you are applying for, be sure to highlight it on your CV. This demonstrates your academic engagement and showcases your knowledge in specific areas.
  2. Emphasize Language Skills: If you gained fluency or proficiency in a foreign language during your study abroad experience, emphasize this on your CV. Language skills are highly valued in many industries and can set you apart from other candidates.
  3. Focus on Cultural Understanding: Showcase your cultural understanding and adaptability gained through the study abroad experience. Highlight instances where you successfully navigated cross-cultural challenges or worked effectively in diverse teams.
  4. Demonstrate Personal Growth: Discuss how the study abroad experience contributed to your personal growth. Did it enhance your problem-solving skills, expand your worldview, or foster your ability to work in multicultural settings? These qualities are highly transferable to the workplace.

Strategies for Effectively Presenting Study Abroad Experience on Your CV

To make the most of your study abroad experience on your CV, follow these strategies:

  1. Include a Dedicated Section: Create a separate section on your CV specifically for study abroad experiences. This allows employers to easily identify and appreciate the value you gained during your time abroad.
  2. Provide a Brief Overview: Begin by providing a brief overview of the study abroad program, including the university or institution, duration, and location. This gives employers context and helps them understand the nature of your experience.
  3. Highlight Relevant Skills and Accomplishments: Focus on the skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. This may include language proficiency, coursework, research projects, or internships completed during your study abroad program.
  4. Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to provide concrete evidence of your capabilities. For example, mention any awards received, the number of courses completed, or the impact of your research project.
  5. Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each job application to highlight the study abroad experiences that are most relevant to the specific role or industry. This demonstrates your ability to adapt and align your skills with the requirements of the position.

Success Stories: Including Study Abroad Experiences on CVs

To inspire and guide you, here are a few success stories of individuals who included study abroad experiences on their CVs, despite not graduating from the foreign university:

  1. Emily: Emily studied abroad in France for a semester, but didn’t receive a degree from the French university. However, she highlighted her coursework in international business, her fluency in French, and her ability to adapt to different cultural norms. These qualities caught the attention of a multinational company, and she was offered a position in their international sales team.
  2. Carlos: Carlos participated in a study abroad program in Japan, where he immersed himself in the language and culture. Although he didn’t graduate from the Japanese university, he emphasized his language proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills on his CV. This impressed a technology company with global operations, and Carlos was hired as a liaison for their Japanese clients.

Leveraging Study Abroad Experiences in Job Interviews and Networking Opportunities

Now that you have effectively presented your study abroad experience on your CV, it’s crucial to leverage it during job interviews and networking opportunities. Here are a few tips:

  1. Tell Compelling Stories: Share anecdotes and stories from your study abroad experience that demonstrate your skills, adaptability, and cultural understanding. This helps employers connect with your experiences on a deeper level.
  2. Relate It to the Job: During interviews, consistently highlight how your study abroad experience aligns with the requirements of the job. Discuss how your language skills, cultural understanding, and adaptability make you a valuable asset to the organization.
  3. Network with Alumni: Connect with alumni from your study abroad program or university. They can provide insights, advice, and potential job opportunities that leverage your study abroad experience.


Q: Should I include study abroad experience on my CV if it was not related to the field I am applying for?
A: If your study abroad experience provided you with transferable skills or demonstrated personal growth, it can still be valuable to include on your CV. Be sure to highlight the relevant aspects and emphasize the skills gained during your time abroad.

Q: Will employers question my commitment if I didn’t graduate from the foreign university?
A: While the lack of a degree from the foreign university may raise questions, you can address this concern by focusing on the skills, language proficiency, and cultural understanding gained during your study abroad experience.

Q: How do I ensure that my study abroad experience is seen as an asset rather than a liability?
A: By effectively presenting your study abroad experience on your CV, emphasizing relevant skills, and demonstrating personal growth, you can showcase the value you gained from the experience and position it as an asset to potential employers.

Key Takeaway

Including study abroad experience on your CV, even if you didn’t graduate from the foreign university, can significantly enhance your profile. By highlighting relevant coursework, language skills, cultural understanding, and personal growth, you can effectively showcase the skills and qualities gained during your time abroad. Remember to tailor your CV for each job application, leverage your study abroad experiences during interviews, and connect with alumni to maximize the potential of your study abroad adventure. So, embrace your study abroad experience and let it shine on your CV as a testament to your global perspective and adaptability.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate the decision of including study abroad experiences on your CV. If you have any further questions or would like to share your own experiences, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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